Thursday 1 September 2011

Egg Tarts II

I was all ready for another round of egg tarts.   Found a new recipe I would like to try and adjusted to have perfect dozen of tarts. Then, I bought a dozen of tart molds, couldn’t wait to get my dough in it.  I was thinking: just squeeze that in on Friday night. 
No, that didn’t happen.

Opened my eyes just after six on Saturday morning, needed the extra hours of sleep but my mind was full of egg tarts.  Heck, I was baking away at seven.

Things didn’t go as plan.  20g of dough for my molds is just too little, 30g is about right but that would mean I would have too much custard.  So I took a compromise, 25g.  My tarts didn’t make it in time for the kids as breakfast… ya,  after all the effort, tell me about it !!!

Finally the tarts were ready, and … picture time.  Hold it … why so dark (Singlish)?? – It has been raining since don’t-know-what time.  Picture turned out with light spots everywhere, and I looked like a crazy woman cos’ I haven’t thought about brushing my hair or anything else.

Truly, human plan and God laughs, 人算不如天算.

Instead of using the Superlite flour recommended by Prima, I used cake flour.  After all, one is ‘super soft’ and the other is ‘soft-as-silk’. Wouldn't you do the same ??

Hubby said the tart molds are too shallow, could use more custard.

I realized the biggest challenge in getting to a more likeable recipe is trying to decipher his comments.

“How’s the crust?” I asked.
“Ok la.” He said
“Ok as in can do, or not bad?”
“Hmm … Ok la.”  I was thinking, that was very helpful …
“So you like this or the first one?” I tried again.
“Er … both are ok.”
“But which one do you prefer?” I refused to give up.
“Both are fine.”
“So you don’t have a preference?” Was cornering him now, if you know what I mean.
“Ya, not really.” Finally, something conclusive.  But wait …
“Actually,” he continued, “the first one was crumpier.”
“So you like the first recipe?”
“Ya!”  Halleluiah, finally!!!

By that, you can expect to see ‘Egg Tarts III’…

Notes: Singish is Singapore English, uniquely to Singaporeans. We speak simple English, effectively omitting words, yet still clearly understood by all. The 'la' and the 'lor' give a nice ending to a bad statement, as in 'No la...' as compare to 'No!'
You see what I mean??

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