Wednesday 21 September 2011

Time Sense

Thank you for spending your preciously time reading my blog; there are so many out there and so little time, yet you have picked mine…. THANK YOU.

Time flies … we hear that so, so very often.  I am quite sure it feels differently to every one of us. 

I remember asking my mother (under a flowering durian tree) when I was a kid: “Ma, how long more to Chinese New Year?” 
“Not so soon, it wasn’t too long after the last one.” she laughed and said.
   This is normal for a kid.  I was told that a year would feel like three to a child.

When I was a teenager, I couldn’t wait till Chinese New Year.
    I had a better sense of time.

When I was in my twenties, I would go shopping to make sure I had a new dress, preferably red; it was a must.
    I started to have some control over time, making preparation.

When I was in my thirties, I panic: “What? Chinese New Year? Again?”
   Ha, this is bad; sign of time lag.

My sense of time has never been so retarded.  I was very in tune, weren’t we all? 
Monday was indeed Monday, no gap.  Slowly, Wednesday felt like a Tuesday. 
Then escalated to: “Thursday is today? What happened to my Wednesday?”

That is the not the worst. 
“How’s parenthood so far? Time flies, your twin are two, three months old?” I asked my colleague.
“Oh, they are well, and they are almost 5 months old now,” he replied.
It’s mid September, and I feel like June … Is this going to get worse??

I go to this food court for breakfast every morning on my way to work.  Two days ago, out of the blue, the stall uncle shook his head and said to me :   跟时间赛跑!   (Racing with time!)
We race hard, day in and day out, yet we don't keep track of our opponent.
A day is a day, but which day exactly?

As I grow older, I feel that my left brain and my right brain don’t talk at all, or it's just my memory going nuts?
I was rushing through the super market; then I saw it.  That familiar clear bottle with green tip.  I grabbed one without checking the price; that was very unusual of me.   I came home, happily told my husband. 
“Remember this?  My favorite Vietnamese chilly sauce in USA, I have finally found it here!” I said.
“But this is not THE one,” he said calmly.
“What do you mean not the one?"  I yelled,  "See that dragon on the bottle?”  I was so very sure it was a dragon.
“It was a rooster, mummy,”  he said.  And yes, my husband has replaced ‘Dear’ and ‘Darling’ with ‘Mummy’. 
 “…….”  I was thinking very hard now, “… how could I possibly be wrong …”
“And the logo and all were printed onto the clear bottle, not that red sticker,” he added.
“Oh goodness, you are absolutely right!!”  I said and started laughing out real loud.

Glad I could still laugh …

p/s: Other than the darker red, the chilly sauce tastes different, a little bit more vinegarish but I like it ... in case you are wondering ...

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